How Technologies Play A Part In Our Lives: Advantages And Disadvantages Explained

How Technologies Play A Part In Our Lives: Advantages And Disadvantages Explained
August 12, 2019
Author : Bill

Modern technology can be simply termed as advancements in old technology. Today, people are capable of doing what they never thought they should be able to a while ago. But, technology has made wonders possible and is often regarded as the immeasurable unit. Immeasurable, typically in the sense of doing good as well as bad in our society where we live in. As per the study conducted by our IT assignment help experts, the advantages and disadvantages of the technologies can be known in terms of a mobile phone. It has given us access to an immense ocean of information but also has given us eye problems, arthritis problems, and many more. Let us take a quick look at what are the advantages and disadvantages of technologies in our lives.

Advantages of Technology

First, let us start from all the good news and things about technology. Our management assignment help professionals might be able to tell you better use of technology which is given below:
  • Access to information - It is easy to have access to a world of information anytime and anywhere as per your convenience. This is indeed a godly thing where an immense amount of data is stored on the internet on a daily basis. Such data can be accessed easily through your laptops, desktops and even on your mobile phones.
  • Encouragement of innovation and creativity - Technology has given rise to innovation and creativity were some time ago, you need to have a capital amount, business information and other infrastructures. However, today, you can start a business while you are at home. Such is the power of technology.
  • Impactful communication - Technology has blessed us with the development of emails, mobile phones, instant messaging applications, video conferencing tools, social networking, and many more. This has enhanced the way of communicating with each other.
  • Convenient travelling - It has now become easier to travel to long distances.
  • Modernised housing and lifestyle - Todays with the best automation tools as well as modern architectural skillset, you can get a modernised housing options and lifestyle. For instance, fingerprint locks, keycards and automated security can give you a good lifestyle in your housing facilities.
  • Improved entertainment - There has been a huge innovation in the entertainment industry with the development of video games, visual systems, advance music systems. It could also include the task of outdoor activities such as bars, clubs, and amusement parks.
  • Education - Platforms of online learning and concepts of visual presentation have given rise to smart class in the education sector. Students are now more active and have become efficient learners as well.
  • Social Networking -Discovering and hanging out with your old as well as new friends is such a delight. However, it would not have been possible if social media were not there in our lives. There are a lot of activities which you can do with your social network websites.

Disadvantages of Technology

Let us take a look at what disadvantages that technology has to impose:
  • Reduction in jobs - Technology has replaced many human jobs as there are now robots and system of artificial intelligence who are known to be more efficient and more productive.
  • Competency - The public dependency has increased on a modern set of tools such as calculators as well as spell checkers, which have bound to reduce our intelligence and creativity.
  • Advanced war weapons - Technology has resulted in preparing war weapons which can destroy nations and their people.
  • Security - Every little information is connected to the internet, such as your financial accounts, photos, mobile phones, credit cards, etc. There are many chances you may fall prey to loss of your valuable information because of an increase in unethical and hacking practices.

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Bill is an academic expert in the fields of law, nursing, business, and management. His diligence in editing and writing assignments solutions has been applauded by students from around the globe; who swear by his eclectic writing style and subject matter expertise in Law and Nursing Studies. He is full time associated with My Assignment Services as a Senior Academic Writer and loves binge-watching on anything sci-fi.


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