How To Cite A Podcast In MLA and APA Format?

Podcast in MLA and APA Format
January 31, 2022
Author : Administrator

Suppose you have ever been to university, whether as a student or teacher yourself, you would be aware of the importance placed on being able to communicate clearly and correctly. There are many ways to ensure proper communication - from punctuation and grammar in your writing to understanding the speaker's tone in face-to-face conversations. One of these important areas that can often go unnoticed is using correct citations for any work you reference throughout your assignments and essays.

However, this is not just a case of having good general knowledge about what works need citing, but also understanding how to apply the specific rules behind citing podcasts in APA and MLA style. Here we will look at an overview of each one of these citation styles so that you can ensure your work is completely error-free and ready for submission. Now in this blog, let's see an extensive guide on citing a podcast in APA MLA style.


Podcast in APA Style: General Rules for Citing Podcasts in APA Format

Both the name of the podcast and the name of the producer/host should be included when citing podcasts in APA style. If you are mentioning an individual podcast episode, you need to include the name of the individual who is hosting this show (i.e., "The Joe Show") if it is not mentioned earlier in your work. The date on which this particular episode was broadcasted can also be included after it has been mentioned once in your work. Here is an example that might help you understand how to cite a podcast in APA style:

Martha's Bookshelf [Audio podcast]. (2013). In M. Heywood (Host). Retrieved from

Citing podcast Episode

Podcast in MLA Style: General Rules for Citing Podcasts in MLA Format

Citing podcasts in MLA style is not much different from citing other media types, but it does have some unique features. Cite your source in the following format: Author's Last name, First initial. Middle initial (if applicable). Title of Podcast (if applicable). Name of website or sponsor, date published, URL. You can find more about this subject at LibGuides at Grand Valley State University.

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As per top-notch providers of assignment help in Canada, the following are general guidelines for citing podcasts in MLA style: - If there is no author listed on the episode page, start with the title of the podcast instead of an author name. - For multiple authors or editors who work on a podcast, follow the format below, beginning with the first person listed under "Authors" or "Contributors." - For episodes with no individual author or contributor, start with the name of the podcast followed by the date published. - The title should be italicized unless it is a web page or blog, which should be in quotation marks. - MLA style uses initials for last names (Poe becomes E). If there are more than three authors for one episode, use an ellipsis (...) to indicate missing information. - Only include URLs if they are required; otherwise, you can end the citation with the date accessed. - In place of a page number, use a URL.

The following are examples of podcast episodes cited in MLA style: - Author's Last name, First initial. Middle initial (if applicable). "Title of Podcast." Name of Website or Sponsor, Date Published, URL. - Anon. "Nightmares and Dreamscapes." The Simpsons, Fox Network, 13 Feb . 2006, - Goldberg & Johnson Podcast Team. "Episode 3." Modern Rogue, 17 Aug . 2017,

Avoid These Mistakes While Writing Podcast In APA And MLA Style

There are many mistakes when it comes to “how to cite a podcast.” Here's how you can avoid them!

  1. Not providing the name of the individual who is hosting this show (i.e., "The Joe Show"), if not mentioned earlier in your work.
  1. Not writing out the full name of the podcast each time it is mentioned in your text, but instead just referring to it by its acronym every single time mention or reference to that specific podcast has been made throughout your work. Writing this way means that you are not following APA style conventions because both how long a reference or citation is and how often they can be repeated before readers lose interest varies depending on the style guide you're using, such as MLA format or APA format, etc. The latter one has limitations when it comes to the length and frequency of references while writing your paper, so it is better to follow them, and for this reason, we recommend citing podcasts in APA style.
  1. Not including the date of the broadcast when mentioning individual podcasts (e.g., "the show about Selma," not "the show about Selma that was broadcasted on Friday, October 24th, 2014"). Nowadays, there are many online resources like podcasts where people can find any episode they want to listen to or watch at the exact time they desire; therefore, it is very important you provide accurate information which will help your readers/audience easily locate a specific episode of a certain show they're interested in hearing more about.
podcasts Italicized
  1. Leaving out the full name of the producer/host when mentioning a particular show. It is very important that you always include this information, especially if you mention an individual's name, because people want to know who they should thank for uploading a particular episode they're interested in hearing more about.
  1. Forgetting to provide the full title of the podcast (e.g., instead of using "Martha's Bookshelf," just use "Martha"). People want to locate your work easily online, so give them all the necessary information that will help them achieve this goal!

Need Help With Citations? Get in Touch With Us!

As you can see, there are plenty of options when it comes to how to cite podcasts in academic essays and assignments. The best approach is to adopt the same principles that you would use when referencing any other form of published media such as books or websites etc., and then to work out in detail which of the three main referencing styles is going to be most appropriate. Once you feel confident that this has been achieved, follow the usual steps when creating any other type of academic essay or assignment. You will usually find that your references stand out naturally from all of your other content.

If you are confused with citing podcasts or any other source, our team of education experts is here to help you. We want your assignments to be impeccable, and we know that you can make sure it happens by working together. We are for college students like you to provide assignment help in Canada with citations or any other assistance with our personalized sessions!

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I am assignment writing expert and have been associated with My Assignment Services since last five years. I believe that students should get professional help with their assignments so that they can manage both their education and co-curriculum activities simultaneously. Contact me through My Assignment Services for Assignment Assistance.


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