Why Do You Need to Learn the Cornell Note Taking Method?

Cornell Note Taking Method
February 11, 2022
Author : Kristy

The best approach to learning is the Cornell note-taking method – when you're in university, the amount of reading and lectures that professors give can be overwhelming. Sometimes notes can just fly by so fast that you don't even know what is going on. It's great to practice your note-taking skills; it will help you later on if you decide to go into law or medicine. A good way to do this is with the Cornell Note Taking System.

The Cornell Note Taking system was created by Walter Pauk, who was a professor at Cornell University. This note-taking system helps students organise their information better than they would normally without using it. There are two different parts of this method: the index cards and the notebook itself. With the help of these two methods, you can learn things easily. Let's see the Index and Notebook in depth and what are the different steps of the Cornell note template.

Cornell note template

The Index Cards

You need the index cards to separate all of your information into different sections. The sections should be divided into titles, keywords, questions, and notes. This section will be on the paper's top left corner (if looking at it) with your title. Underneath that should be handwritten keywords which are ones that stand out, like names or important events. Then come the questions, which are things that confuse you about what you just heard or read about; this can act as a way to review later on before exams. Finally, underneath all of these categories should be your actual notes organised by bullet points if possible.

The Notebook

After you have your index cards worked out, the next step is to get a notebook. It shouldn't be anything fancy, but something you can afford on a student's budget. You will have to write in this every day so it shouldn't cost too much money. Next, you're going to want to find a good pen that will run out of ink anytime soon and keep it with your new notebook anywhere you study. Now comes the fun part of actually using both of these things together.

When studying or taking notes for an exam, you should sit down at a desk by yourself somewhere where there are no distractions like your phone or television. Then open up your notebook and turn to a fresh page with the index card you created in front of you. Write what you're going to be studying on the top left-hand side of your paper, followed by the keywords from your note cards under it. After that, take out your pen and start writing down everything that comes into your head while texting or talking with others during class. Once this is done, do not go back over it and read it again like you normally would; instead, put away these cards and notes.

After putting everything away for one hour, sit back down at a desk and grab both the cards and notebook again. Sit down and go through each section, asking yourself questions about each part: What did I write? What confused me? Is there anything important that I missed? Anything else that comes to mind. Then record everything onto your paper with keywords and notes, not repeating anything from the first time you read it.

Now you have a chance to go back and check your answers on these cards and review new information if needed. If there is new information during this second round of taking notes, don't write it down on the index cards yet since they already contain some information. After this set of fresh new notes, copy those into the notebook and the cards for later studying or an exam. Using both these things together will help you remember all of the material better than just using one by itself. It's also great practice for improving your note-taking skills in college.

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Notes For The Index Cards & Notebook

  • Put the study materials on the top left side of a notebook page
  • Create a new index card every time you are studying something new
  • Write title, keywords and questions on each index card
  • Don't go over notes again after the first read-through (leave cards and notebook separate)
  • After putting it away for one hour, go back and review both the cards and notebook with fresh eyes.

The Cornell note template will help improve your memory of information by helping organise it better in your brain. If you still have trouble remembering things, try making yourself flashcards from the index cards you used. That way, if there's anything that just won't stay in your head, you can quiz yourself with these cards to improve longer-term memory later on. You can also make a deck for someone else that might be struggling with their studying and have them quiz you with them so you both can benefit from any sort of studying.

Cornell Note Part

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The size of the notebook is important because it will determine how much information can fit in it. You don't want one that is too big because then you'll never actually use it all up, but if it's too small, then you won't have room for everything either. We would suggest something with 250 pages at least; bigger is better, though, since it gives more room to write in. Paper, The type of paper in the notebook is important because you don't want it to be too thin and rip or tear when you write on it.

You also don't want one that is so thick you can't even see what you're writing through each page, but not too thin either. The binding of the notebook is another thing to consider before buying one. The best ones have a flexible leather-bound cover; these are very durable and last for many years. They also lay flat while studying, which makes them easier to use during class lectures. Most notebooks only have a binding on the top edge, but some new ones have a sewn-in spine that allows them to lay flat more easily.

Apart from this, if you feel like facing any problem with Cornell Note Template, feel free to get in touch with the mentors at My Assignment Services!

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Hi! I am a passionate writer with 3 years of experience in academic writing and over 2 years of experience as a professional blogger. I aim to provide academic solutions which add to the grades of the students as well as to their learning. I’m working with My Assignment Services since 3 years, during which I have always worked for the benefit of the students by providing them quality work.


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