COM6003 High School Security Case Study Assignment Answer

COM6003 - High School Security Case Study Assignment Answer
May 09, 2019
Author : Julia Miles


Students who are looking for a quick way to submit their Computer Systems Security assignment are at the right place. Here, you will get the personalised assistance from IT assignment help providers at My Assignment Services who are going to explain to you how to write COM6003 high school security case study assignment answers. Get a detailed understanding of assignment.

The case study

Just so that you and I are on the same page, here is a snapshot of the case study that I received. If you too have the exact same, then it is your lucky day today. If not, then this blog post is still a resource for reference.

case study

Above is just an excerpt from the case study in you need to analyse for writing COM6003 high school security case study assignment answers.

How to solve?

First things always come first. And to solve any case study, the first thing is to identify all the possible valuable information from the question file. A few of the actual details from the high school security case study are -

  1. High schools are big businesses with large turnover

  2. High schools rely on IT facilities for day to day activities

  3. A lot of information is also confidential and vital

  4. Schools now use virtual learning environments

  5. They also use standard office suites like Microsoft Office 365

  6. The school wants to challenge the students to apply their computing skills

How to write the COM6003 high school security case study assignment answers?

In this assignment, you need to write a report where you will propose how you are going to ensure that the servers of the school are secure for the task they are undertaking. Below is the overview of the steps that you need to include in the report and what you have to write in each of them.

1. Conduct research on security risks

You need to be realistic here, of course. If you talk about something like ransomware or using the school system as a means to trigger a blast from a remote access area, these are too far gone. You have to stay on the ground. Talk about the real issues that the high school can actually encounter.

COM6003 high school security case study assignment answers need a detailed explanation of the major security risks that they face. You might know a lot of them, or maybe a large proportion of them, but you need the support of secondary literature when you are writing the solution. This is because a secondary source will give your content the authenticity it needs.

2. Talk about mitigation practices as well

When you are writing what issues does the high school face, it would be rude if you do not propose anything to combat these. Therefore, make sure that the security risks you are mentioning have some rectification or mitigation techniques.

Like the above section, you need to be realistic here as well. If you are mentioning something that the school connect their server lines with the Buckingham Palace to ensure it is protected by the most secure line, then it absolutely absurd.

Oh, and also look into the fact that the mitigation should be where the security issue is mentioned. If you are mentioning the threat of a possible data leak, then the ways to prevent that should be exactly below that explanation. Not after the possible risk of student’s unauthorised access.

3. Relate everything to the case in hand

Do not talk hypothetically, literally. You need to relate everything with the situation that you are supposed to be dealing with. That means the security risks and mitigations you are suggesting should be relevant to a UK high school who wants to conduct a computer contest among its students.

Get COM6003 high school security case study assignment answers here!

If you are not able to get how and what to write in the case study report, then you are simply in need of the professional IT assignment experts at My Assignment Services. How we can help you? We can send to a reference COM6003 high school security case study assignment answers that you can use to prepare your assignment solution. This reference solution will be 100% original and prepared specially for you! Send your requirements to us now.

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About the Author

Julia Miles

Julia Miles

Julia Miles has been working with international students who are studying in Australia since last 8 years after her postgraduation. Being an international student herself, she decided to offer academic support and assistance to other students coming to Australian universities. Her hold of the concepts and theories in the domain of Information Technology give her a broad base to approach the same topics.With My Assignment Services, she utilises her knowledge by providing personalised mentoring and assignment writing help. She also holds successful completion of CCNA, a certification course offered by Cisco in information technology.


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