COIT20249 Professional Skills in Information Communication Technology Assessment Answer

COIT20249 - Professional Skills in Information Communication Technology Assessment Answer
December 26, 2019
Author : Julia Miles

If you’re a student pursuing one of the business courses, then you might be asked to write the COIT20249 assessment answers. This task requires you to showcase the skills such as critical thinking, academic writing, ability to support your evidence, giving opinions and recommendations, and arranging ideas and information logically. This unit deals with the introduction of professional skills that are required for ICT professionals including oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. The assignments related to CIOT20249 include a 2500-word report writing task. Before you begin writing your answer, do read this blog as it contains useful information that can help you score good grades in this task. If we talk about the COIT20249 Professional Skills In Information Communication Technology assessment, the purpose here is to encourage critical thinking by writing a formal report. Our IT assignment help experts say that you are required to follow the ARE process. The details about the ARE process are available in the 2nd and 3rd chapters of Business Degree 2 (a textbook for COIT20249). Alternatively, you can also take help from our information communication and technology assignment writing experts. They will assist you in understanding the tasks, collecting relevant information, and evaluating the information. All this information must be included in the form of an academic report drafted to showcase your findings, results, and suggested outcomes.

COIT20249 Information Communication Technology Assignment - Background

In these assignments, you are supposed to prepare a report as per the marking rubric. You must use the APA referencing style and demonstrate the appropriate usage of its guidelines. Here’s a sample of the case study on 3D Printing Technology: 3d Priniting Technology Once you have gone through the given case study, start writing your academic report. Being the Head of ICT, you are required to investigate the technology, applications used in 3D Printing Technology to make the company effective and efficient if the business expands in the near future.

Important Elements To be Considered While Writing the COIT20249 Assignment Solution

In the COIT20249 Professional Skills In Information Technology Assignment, you are required to do the following:
  1. Define the term "3D Printing Technology". Find at least five applications being used by 3D Printing Technology mainly in the field of manufacturing and medical industries. Include a few real-life examples in the existing market rather than just general use of 3D Printing Technology.
  2. On the basis of your findings, recommend three 3D Printing Technology-based applications that ICT can use in the next five years. Explain the possible pros and cons of these applications.
  3. While considering the pros and cons of the applications, you must focus on the social, ethical, and legal points of view.
Now, here’s the format for writing the report on the COIT20249 3D printing technology. Title page: Draw a title page including your name, unit code, student's assessment number, the title of the report, due date, CQU email address, and the unit coordinator. Executive summary: Writing an executive summary for COIT20249 Professional Skills in Information Technology assignment includes the objective of your report, lists of the problems planned to discuss in the report and ways are taken into action to investigate them, key findings, and suggested recommendations. Research Report Table of Content: This includes all the topics including the main headings, subheadings, and page numbers. Properly use of header and footer to present page number, main text, etc. Contents Introduction: This section of the report is where you provide a brief description of the background of the organisation, the various problems you are going to discuss in the assignment, the purpose of writing a report, and its objectives. The introduction should not exceed 250 words. Body: While writing the body of the report, you must use proper headings wherever required: Explain all the key terms related to the technology and problem considered. After this, include your ideas. Don't forget to explore the tasks asked in the case study given above. Our IT assignment help providers suggest that you create meaningful headings and subheadings instead of generic words like Body, Tasks, or Body of the report. Conclusion: At the end of your report, restate the aim, major issues, results/findings, and recommendations on the basis of your analysis and research. Recommendations: In this report, you must state at least 3 to 5 recommendations. Each recommendation should rely on your findings with suggested solutions. Also, propose few guidelines for the organisation concerning their future directions. References: You must only use the CQU APA referencing style for your COIT20249 assessment. If you have any questions related to APA reference style, then do speak to the experts at My Assignment Services. Here’s an example of how APA references look like. References

Find the Complete COIT20249 Assignment Solution Here!

My Assignment Services is the best assignment help provider in Australia. It has been assisting students pursuing courses in Monash, University of Melbourne, UNSW University, RMIT University, Central Queensland University, and more. We have a vast pool of professional assignment writers who are experienced and proficient to cope with the academic activities whether it is related to writing, editing, proofreading, quality check or paraphrasing. If you’re unable to write COIT20249 Professional Skills in Information Technology reports, then do reach out to My Assignment Services today and experience world-class IT assignment help services at the most reasonable prices.

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About the Author

Julia Miles

Julia Miles

Julia Miles has been working with international students who are studying in Australia since last 8 years after her postgraduation. Being an international student herself, she decided to offer academic support and assistance to other students coming to Australian universities. Her hold of the concepts and theories in the domain of Information Technology give her a broad base to approach the same topics.With My Assignment Services, she utilises her knowledge by providing personalised mentoring and assignment writing help. She also holds successful completion of CCNA, a certification course offered by Cisco in information technology.


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